
Our plastic surgery team offers a full range of cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries.



我们的整形外科医生提供最高水平的护理. We perform cosmetic operations, as well as reconstructive surgery.

Our state-of-the-art facilities allow us to conduct inpatient and outpatient plastic surgery operations with an emphasis on quality and safety. 我们皇冠hga025的其他亮点包括:

先进的技术: 我们使用最新的技术和工具来精确操作. For example, 我们在显微外科方面享有盛誉, 手术时使用显微镜的程序. These techniques are particularly useful in providing excellent outcomes for hand surgery and breast surgery patients.

研究和临床试验: In addition to caring for patients, we also research new and better ways to operate. We continue to research new techniques for treating children with facial deformities and traumatic injuries.

教育承诺: 60多年了, we have trained residents in the art and science of cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. Because we regularly train others, we must stay on top of the latest techniques and technology. Graduates from our programs have gone on to hold top academic positions at prestigious academic medical centers around the country.


我们的整形外科医生做许多不同类型的手术. 我们的服务分为六个专科:

乳房重建: 如果你需要切除乳房,想要重建乳房, 我们的整形外科医生是你治疗团队的一部分. We incorporate immediate reconstruction into your treatment plan, 哪种方法通常能达到最佳的美容效果. Our plastic surgeons perform more microsurgical breast reconstructions than any other facility in the Western United States, 使我们成为这些手术的首选地点.

整容手术: We provide personalized treatment plans for all types of cosmetic procedures, 比如腹部除皱, 隆胸或整容. 我们的整形医生都是经过认证的, meaning we have the training and technical skills to perform aesthetic procedures with excellent judgment.

颅面外科手术: The Craniofacial Clinic uses a team approach that brings together plastic surgeons, oral surgeons, 头颈外科医生 和牙齿矫正医师. These experts work together to create a comprehensive, personalized treatment plan for each child. Board-certified plastic surgeons have extra training in craniofacial surgery to treat pediatric conditions 比如唇裂 or palate.

一般重建: Our plastic surgeons perform all types of reconstructive surgeries. You may need reconstructive surgery to correct post-surgical deformities, 治疗伤口或修复疤痕. We also perform an innovative new procedure to repair phrenic nerve injury, 一种会损害你呼吸能力的伤害.

Hand surgery: 我们与 骨科手术 治疗手部受伤和紊乱的小组. The national reputation of our microsurgeons (surgeons who specialize in operating under a microscope) sets us apart as a premier institution for hand surgery.  

疤痕治疗: 我们治疗各种类型的疤痕,包括烧伤. We offer personalized care in an outpatient setting and use the latest technologies, 包括激光手术和类固醇治疗.


Our plastic surgeons offer a range of surgical and nonsurgical treatments. Our treatment areas include cosmetic and reconstructive services. 我们提供的治疗包括:  


我们定期为美容目的进行整形手术. 美容服务包括:


Plastic surgery procedures to reshape or tone your body include:

腹部整形术(腹部除皱): Removing excess abdominal fat and skin to create a smoother, more toned appearance.   

Arm lift: Reshaping and removing skin and fat from the upper portion of the arm between your elbow and armpit.

吸脂(塑形): A fat-removal procedure targeting specific areas of your body, such as the stomach, thighs, or arms.



隆胸: Surgery to increase breast size by placing breast implants under the chest muscles or breast tissue.  

男性缩胸术: Surgery to treat gynecomastia, benign (noncancerous) breast tissue swelling in men.

乳房固定术(乳房提升术): Removing excess skin and tightening the tissue around the breast to create a lifted, 更年轻的外表.

缩乳成形术(缩乳): Surgery to reduce breast size by removing excess fat, skin, and tissue from your breasts.



眼睑整容术: Surgery to repair drooping eyelids or enhance eyelid appearance by removing excess skin, muscle, or fat.

Brow lift: Raising the eyebrows to reduce wrinkles, fine lines, or frown lines.  

下巴增加: 放置下巴植入物(由安全材料制成的器械), 柔韧的材料)重塑你下巴的外观.

脂肪注射: 从你身体的一部分转移脂肪, 比如你的大腿, 到一个缺乏脂肪的地区, 比如脸颊的轮廓.  

耳成形术(耳部手术): Improving the shape, position, or proportion of your ear to bring balance to your face and ears.

鼻整形术(鼻子手术): 鼻子整形术改变或重塑鼻子外形的外科手术.  

整容术(整容): A procedure to give your face a 更年轻的外表 by smoothing wrinkles, 抬起面部组织, 去除多余的皮肤.

z形成形术(颈部提升): Removing excess skin below the chin through Z-shaped incisions that help camouflage scars. 



肉毒毒素(Botox®): Prescription injections that temporarily improve the appearance of frown lines between your eyebrows.

化学换肤: 局部解决方案,去角质的外部, 使受损的肌肤层层显露光滑, 更年轻的肤色.

真皮填充剂: Injections to fill in wrinkles and fine lines, restoring collagen and hyaluronic acid to your skin.

Kybella: An injection that improves unwanted fullness beneath your chin by physically destroying fat cells.

激光换肤: Using short, 集中光束减少皱纹, age spots, 痤疮疤痕或其他瑕疵.  


Our plastic surgeons are also experts in reconstructive procedures. 这些手术包括:

乳房重建: 使用硅胶植入物, 盐水填充, 或者你自己的组织在乳房切除术后重建乳房.

颅面外科手术: 治疗颅面疾病的程序, 比如唇裂, cleft palate or craniosynostosis (a birth defect that causes a misshapen skull).  

Gender-affirming手术: Operations to give patients a more masculine or feminine appearance that matches their gender identity.

Hand surgery: 恢复手部运动的手术, reduce pain, 或者治疗手部损伤,如肌腱撕裂或神经受损.   

膈神经修复: Procedure to treat phrenic nerve injury, an injury to the nerves that control breathing.  

疤痕修正: Treatments to change a scar’s appearance or reduce symptoms such as itching, tightness or discomfort.  


Our plastic surgeons and the rest of our plastic surgery team offer the full range of cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries. We collaborate with multiple specialty teams to provide comprehensive services.

Contact us

Call 310-825-5510 要求预约UCLA健康中心的整形外科医生.


Our team is made up of experts and leaders in the art and science of plastic surgery. 欲了解更多有关我们的服务,请致电 310-825-5510.